Home»Other»Visclosky Applauds Construction Advancement Foundation Grant Announcement

Visclosky Applauds Construction Advancement Foundation Grant Announcement

Congressman-Visclosky-HeadshotThe U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) announced awards through the Susan Harwood Training Grant Program to 78 nonprofit organizations, such as community- and faith-based groups, employer associations, labor unions, joint labor-management associations, and colleges and universities. The Construction Advancement Foundation of Northwest Indiana headquartered in Portage was a recipient of one of these awards and has received $154,124.

“Northwest Indiana’s talented workforce is one of our strongest assets. I am pleased that the Construction Advancement Foundation has been selected as a recipient of this OSHA training grant program. Worksite safety is a top priority for construction and manufacturing workers, and this award will further enhance the safety training programs already being offered at the Construction Advancement Foundation,” said Congressman Pete Visclosky.

“We have been fortunate to receive approval of this grant for the past four consecutive years. During that time we provided over 31,498 man hours of safety training for over 4,127 contractors and skilled craft workers across Northwest Indiana. The Construction Advancement Foundation has been the leading provider of safety training under the Susan Harwood Grant Program and our success is a reflection of the commitment contractors, unions and users have towards the safety of workers. We very much appreciate the support of Congressman Visclosky in helping keep our workers safe in the workplace,” said Dewey Pearman, Executive Director, Construction Advancement Foundation.