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Family Fun Night at Duneland Y Features Live Classic Rock

Family_Fun_Night_at_Duneland_Y_FeaturesA fabulous pool party, live music and a picnic provided by George's Gyros Spot will take place at the Y on June 27th from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m., dedicated to families from the Duneland community having fun, and enjoying a pleasant summer evening.

"Friday Night at the Duneland Family YMCA is the best way to build community friendships and enjoy quality time with your family. We are very fortunate to enjoy the entertainment from Scott Tyring. His enthusiasm and dedication to our community is amazing. We look forward to a fantastic evening." says Sue McLaughlin, the YMCA's Youth & Family Coordinator.

Performing live for the event is Pastor Scott Tyring, Pastor of Chesterton United Methodist Church. Scott has been performing as a Christian artist since 2000. His passion for classic rock and his devotion to Jesus fostered the dream of performing to entertain and lead worship. Scott calls his music classic rock for Christ's sake. The joy of singing and entertaining is obvious when you watch Scott play. But he will tell you, "I play for an audience of One."

Bring your family to the Y and enjoy the fun, games, music and fellowship. Cost is $15 per family and everyone is welcome to attend. For more information contact Sue McLaughlin at (219) 926-4204 or smclaughlin@dunelandymca.org.