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Crown Point Firefighters Association to Host Dodgeball Tournament to Benefit the NICK Foundation

Crown Point Firefighters Association to Host Dodgeball Tournament to Benefit the NICK Foundation

The Crown Point Firefighters Association is proud to host its fourth annual Charity  Dodgeball Tournament to benefit the Northwest Indiana Cancer Kids Foundation. 

Where: The Sparta Dome  
1355 E. North St. 
Crown Point, IN 46307  

When: Sunday, April 30, 2023  

Time: 4-10 p.m. (Silent Auction ends approximately at 7 p.m.)  

Help us help them by attending our one day sporting event Saturday, April 30, 2023. Attendees will be able  to watch more than 200 of your local first responders, elected officials and local businesses play dodgeball  to help raise money for the Northwest Indiana Cancer Kids Foundation. In 2021, we raised more than  $13,000. The opening ceremony will begin with our nation’s colors being presented at 4 p.m.  

Tickets may be purchased at the event or online via Eventbrite! Tickets are $5. There will be silent auction  items along with raffle prizes, which include items such as gift cards, baskets, Chicago sporting event  tickets and much more! Alcoholic/non-alcoholic beverages will be available for purchase, as well as food.  For more information on the event, please visit our event Facebook page or reach out to us on  Facebook, @crownpointfire!  

Northwest Indiana Cancer Kids, or the NICK Foundation, is a 501c3 organization founded in 2009 by a  local family that experienced the effects of childhood cancer. “Knowing your child has cancer brings a  lot of uncertainty. There is nothing like having someone to turn to who has truly been there," said  Kate Perschon, NICK Co-Founder. The NICK Foundation strives to supply assistance in areas of need  for Northwest Indiana residents.  

“We are encouraging the public to come out and help us, help them. The NICK Foundation is there in our  time of need when we need them," said Crown Point Fire Lt. Mark Reed.