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City of Hammond: Warning Shelters

City of Hammond: Warning Shelters

Hammond Mayor Thomas McDermott has announced that due to the extreme cold expected, the City of Hammond has mobilized and identified several buildings as warming centers, including: The Jean Shepherd Center, the Lost Marsh Golf Course Clubhouse and Hammond Civic Center.  Individuals may use these facilities during regular operating hours 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. if necessary to get out of the bitter cold.   If a power outage were to occur, these shelters would remain open during the overnight hours.

The extreme cold is expected to stick around a while, and with wind chill temperatures below zero, frostbite and hypothermia are very serious threats. If you must go outside make sure you are prepared and limit your time outside as much as possible. It is best to stay indoors, along with your pets.

“I call on residents to check in on their family, friends and neighbors who are at risk and may need assistance”, stated Mayor McDermott.  “It is our older adults and young children who are at the most risk in the extreme cold.  Being neighborly can go a long way in avoiding a tragic situation from occurring.”