What's recently happened?
To show staff appreciation, Crown Point came up with a Teacher and Employee of the Month award for all of the Crown Point schools. Ashley Cosme won Secondary Teacher of the Year for Crown Point High School. This is a great Award for the schools’ communities and sheds light on the great communities and staff we have in Crown Point.
Crown Point also recently went back to starting the school day at 7:35 a.m. instead of 8:35 a.m. When the year began, Crown Point and surrounding schools decided it was best to start the school year off with beginning classes an hour later to get used to going back to school. They did this because of the drastic changes that have already begun for the school year with wearing masks and having less students in the classrooms.

Now with the start time returning to 7:35 a.m., instead of having every student start classes at the same time, they decided it was better to separate them throughout the week. This means that half of the in-person students will attend school on Mondays and Thursdays and the other students will attend on Tuesdays and Fridays. Now that Crown Point has gained back that extra hour of face-to-face and classroom time, students can get extra help and learning opportunities.
What's coming up?
Fall break is coming up, and that means Crown Point is going to be on a green schedule. For those who don't know what a green schedule is, it means that students will be going to school for four days a week instead of two. Students have mixed feelings about this change.
“The feeling I have for Crown Point High School going green is quite mutual,” said Ian Brite, a student at Crown Point High School. “ As there are benefits to going back and being able to be in school more days of the week.”
With two more days added to the school week, students will get more face-to-face time with the teachers which means more time for assistance. Some students have decided to go online full-time solely because of this reason.
“I believe there are also some drawbacks to going green. Having all the students in the school at one time seems a bit up in the air,” Brite said. “With our school cooperation and staff we will be able to all return to school safely and continue this 2020-2021 school year to the maximum learning potential.”
Student spotlight
Crown Point senior Felix Meeks can be described as hardworking, smart, and athletic. Meeks has dedicated his four years at Crown Point High School to working on his craft as a football player and a great student.

“I work a full-time job,” said Meeks. “I do lawncare and landscaping throughout Crown Point and Merrillville during the football season and outside of it.”
Meeks is not just an outstanding high school athlete; he's a hardworking student. He has taken many duel credit classes and has many community service hours. He not only wins games and scores touchdowns for the Crown Point High School football team, but he also helps out the community in any way he can.
Teacher spotlight

Crown Point High School principal Mr. Russ Marcinek has handled this year outstandingly well with all the crazy changes this year. The Crown Point community started off the school year with a hybrid schedule where students with certain last names went to school on certain days. Crown Point is now to the point where it can house all students four days a week thanks to the new hybrid schedule that Mr. Marcinek created. This new hybrid schedule will put Crown Point High School a step ahead of these new times.