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Chesterton Trojan Guard Pancake Breakfast

Chesterton Trojan Guard Pancake Breakfast

Event Information

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The Chesterton Trojan Guard will host a Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser on November 16 from 7:00-10:00 a.m. at George’s Gyros Spot (325 N Calumet Rd, Chesterton). The breakfast includes all-you-can-eat pancakes, sausage, juice, coffee, and live music! Tickets are $6 per person and can be purchased from any Trojan Guard member. Walk-in patrons are also welcome. The Trojan Guard recently capped their competitive season with an impressive 6th place finish at the ISSMA State Finals in Indianapolis. Pictured are Senior Trojan Guard members, left to right, Carlie Kocoj, Jacklyn Moehl, Shayne Wassell, Gwen Sanders, Carlie Sparacio, Adam Davis, Colin Campbell, Abigail Palmer, Ryan Herr, Olivia Lee, Gavin Dooley, Abbey Leffert, Alec Schmidt and Harleah Hufstedler.

George's Gyros Spot


  • 325 N. Calumet Rd.
  • Chesterton, IN 46304