Teacher Spotlight
Not a lot of people enjoy Math, however, that is not the case for Mr. Mark Miller. Miller has been teaching at Bishop Noll for 11 years. Over the years, he has taught Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Geometry, and AP Calculus.
“Math is important because it’s everywhere. It’s is involved in so many aspects of daily life like shopping and paying your bills. It’s also a major part of science and is used in many careers like engineering and construction,” said Miller.
Miller, like most teachers, said that his favorite part of Bishop Noll is the family atmosphere. Bishop Noll is truly fortunate to have Miller as a teacher who continues to mold his students into future engineers and doctors.
Student Spotlight
As the 2018-2019 school year comes to a close, senior Elizabeth Buksa prepares to say good-bye to Bishop Noll. In her four years at BNI, Buksa has accomplished many things. In academics, Buksa is a member of the National Honor Society and will be graduating with Distinction. She is also a tutor for the BNI Writing Center. She helps students with papers, editing essays, and giving grammar tips to help them become better writers. She is also president of the Spell Bowl team.
In athletics, Buksa played varsity volleyball all four years. She received various awards and mentions such as All State-2nd Team, honorable mention, and Academic All-State. She helped lead the Warriors to two conference titles, sectional titles, and regional titles. Buksa played varsity basketball her freshman year, also leading her team to a sectional title. Buksa has also been apart of the varsity track and field team for three years. She has run mid-distance and thrown shot put and discus.
Other activities and clubs Buksa has participated in at Noll include band, speech, Athletic Council, Student Ambassadors, and Campus Ministry. After graduation, she will be continuing her academic and volleyball career at St. Xavier University. She plans to major in marketing. The Bishop Noll family will miss Buksa and wishes her the best, always.
What has happened
April 25th might seem like a regular day to most, but not for BNI students. April 25th was National DNA Day. For the past few years, the BNI Biology Club has taken great pride in advocating DNA Day to the entire school. This year, the Biology Club frosted DNA cookies and sold them at the end of the day.
Members of the club printed out DNA memes and placed them on several lockers. During lunch periods, members of the club asked DNA related questions at each table. If answered correctly, students received candy.
The Biology Club also made and sold T-shirts to wear on the national holiday and held a scavenger hunt. The club hid chromosomes throughout the entire school and when students found a chromosome, they won a prize. Finally, students were all able to participate in a DNA quiz on Google Forms. Those who answered at least three questions correctly were entered into a raffle. The winner received a 23andMe Ancestry Kit. This year’s National DNA Day was truly a great one.
What is Happening
A weekend full of theatre, art work, and music is taking place at Bishop Noll May 17-19. The BNI Drama Club and Theatre Department is presenting student-directed, one-act shows. Student directors were able to cast their peers in these shows.
The Art Club and art students are showcasing their best artwork for parents, students, and others.
The Fine Arts Weekend closes off with a BNI Choir and Band Concert. The choir will be singing songs such as “A Million Dreams” from The Greatest Showman, “Hakuna Matata” from The Lion King, “Shallow” from A Star is Born, and more. This will be the first concert for new choir director, Mr. David Boban. The BNI Concert Band will be performing songs from Mary Poppins, The Lion King, La La Land, and more. The concert will also highlight the mariachi, jazz, and rock bands, too. The BNI Community is extremely proud of the Fine Arts Department and can’t wait to attend this exciting weekend.