Home»Entertainment»Theatre»Listen to Your Mother, A Series of Live Performances on Motherhood

Listen to Your Mother, A Series of Live Performances on Motherhood

Listen-to-Your-Mother-a-Series-of-Live-Performances-on-MotherhoodLooking for something cultural and interesting to attend Mother’s Day weekend? Although not just for mothers, the show, Listen to Your Mother, a series of live readings and performances by local writers about motherhood, is scheduled for Saturday, May 12 at 7 PM at the Art Theater in Hobart. The evening will kick off with cocktail hour by Three Monkeys Pub and live jazz by the duo, Vintage Postcard. Tickets are $15 and may be purchased online via the Art Theater or at the Chamber of Commerce or Librarium Café, both located in Hobart.

A portion of the ticket proceeds with benefit the American Cancer Society. Those attending are encouraged to wear cancer ribbons in the colors that have affected them or someone in their family.

The show, produced and directed by NWI native Carrie Bedwell, includes a variety of motherhood topics via readings, poetry, standup comedy, and comedic song and includes performers from Northwest Indiana, Chicagoland, and Milwaukee discussing a variety of topics including adoption, bravery, loss, juggling the circus that is motherhood, tough love, and how to get children to listen to their mothers. The show will make you both laugh and cry as we explore the nuances that are motherhood.

The cast includes Don Baron, formerly of Bravo Johnny and Dick Diamond and the Dusters; Megan Drozd, Albert Escobedo, Rachel Gilaris, Bennett Galavan, Amelia Kowalisyn, Natalie McClinton, Rose Murphy-Gordon, Tina Porter, Nicole Raber, Kristin Schumacher, Melissa Sickinger, Heidi Van Howe, Julia Wilson, and Lisa Winstead.

The cast invites you to shop local and earn chances to earn complimentary tickets to the show. To win 1) Complete the challenges on a scavenger hunt sheet available at participating businesses & turn it in at WILL CALL at the show, 2) Check in at participating businesses and tag our show: NWI Listen to your Mother, or 3) Take a picture with one of the famous moms displayed in participating businesses and post to your page tagging both the business & the show. You can earn as many entries as you would like leading up to the start of the show. Winner will be announced at the end of the show. Business participating in the fun include: Toys in the Attic, Montego Bay, the Librarium Café, Three Monkeys Pub, Green Door books, Tom Lounges’ Record Bin, and Villa Del Sol, all located on Main Street in Hobart.

Bedwell states, “Those who will attend the show will not be disappointed. The performances are guaranteed to pull at your heartstrings and take you on the emotional journey that is motherhood. We are excited to be collaborating with the community of Hobart on this event and look forward to raising funds for the American Cancer Society, a cause close to Bedwell’s heart. Her mother has been living with lung cancer for the past six years and she’s had other relatives and friends affected by this terrible disease.