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Youth Group Provides Missionary Work to West Virginia

Youth-Group-Provides-Missionary-Work-to-West-Virginia-01Twenty-four youth and adults from First Presbyterian church in Highland and St. John’s United church in Chesterton traveled to White Sulphur Springs, W.Va. on June 19 to provide missionary work to those in need.

Youth director Dave Gibbs of First Presbyterian Church explained how historic flooding occurred during their trip. “We had no power for 28 hours and our water supply was contaminated. In spite of this and the difficulty traveling after the flood we were still able to get to our homes and finish our work.”

During their mission trip the group worked on two homes. In the first home they built a handicap ramp, new back porch, cut down overgrown bamboo and painted several rooms. They built a roof and fixed ceilings for an elderly couple in the other home.

Youth-Group-Provides-Missionary-Work-to-West-Virginia-02The group also took flooded victims water and cleaned mud out of a house.

“The youth love making a difference. They do most of their mission work right here at home all year long. We think it is important to take one week a year and go someplace different from where we live and serve those in need. We help others but we find we are richly rewarded by the experience,” Gibbs said.

Gibbs has been doing youth ministry for 25 years. He has led 31 mission trips. “In a world with so many problems it seems like we can’t make a difference. On these mission trips the youth know that they have made a difference for those in need,” Gibbs said.