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Mayor McDermott Announces New Assistant Fire Chief

fire-dept-promotions-nov-2015Mayor Thomas M. McDermott, Jr. announces a new Assistant Chief, Battalion Chief, South Battalion Chief and a probationary firefighter have been named to the City of Hammond Fire Department.

Battalion Chief Jack Callahan , a 27 year veteran will succeed Assistant Chief Scott Rakos of the Hammond Fire Department who recently announced his retirement. Mr. Rakos was recently elected to serve as the Councilman of the 6th District.

Callahan began his career with the Hammond Fire Department in August of 1988, holding various positions as ambulance EMT, fire apparatus engineer, Captain and Battalion Chief, his current position which he has held since January 1, 2012.

Jack was raised and currently resides in Hammond, having graduated from Hammond Technical-Vocational High School in 1973. He is married and has five children.

Newly appointed Battalion Chief, Chris Trtan will replace Battalion Chief Dave Zuffa, a 24-year veteran of the Hammond Fire Department. Zuffa will retire in December of 2015.

Chris began his career with the Hammond Fire Department in October of 1992. He has held various positions such as: ambulance EMT, fire apparatus engineer and captain prior to being named Battalion Chief. Mr. Trtan is a 23-year veteran of the Department.

Mr. Trtan was raised in Hammond and graduated from Gavit High School. He is married and has an 8-year old son.

Chris Walsh has been promoted from Engineer to Battalion Chief. Chris began his career on the Fire Department in 1994 as a probationary firefighter. He worked in various positions within the Department beginning on the ambulance for five years before being promoted to Assistant Engineer, to Engineer.

Mr. Walsh was raised in Hammond, graduated Morton High School and attended St. Joseph College. He is married and has a son and daughter. 

Also, the Hammond Fire Department recently hired a new probationary firefighter. Alexander Zielinski was hired on October 13th. After a three week training period, he will be assigned to fire station #1 as a probationary firefighter. He brings a firefighting/ems background from various public safety and educational entities.

Mr. Zielinski is married and has a young daughter.