The Crown Point Community Foundation awards $362,548.64 for community grants this year!
The following are the grantees from the September grant cycle:
- Best Buddies Indiana $1,000 Support CP high school friendship program for youth with intellectual and developmental disabilities
- Big Idea Big Impact 2016 $50,000 to support the Big Idea Big Impact grants in 2016
- Boy Scout Troop #45 $3,600 help offset the cost of purchasing 11 four seasons tents, to allow the scouts to camp in winter
- Col. John Wheeler Middle School $5,000 help offset the costs of the Challenger Field Trip for sixth grade students
- Crown Point Care & Relief Fund $7,500 to provide financial assistance in emergency situations
- Crown Point Christian School $2,400 4 iPads for school-wide reading program
- CPHS RoboDogs $3,500 to pay for robotic parts
- Face To Face Fine Art $1,800 provide funding for hand painted, framed portraits to individuals or families who have lost a loved one as the result of a sudden or tragic death
- First Presbyterian Church of CP $4,442 to help with the purchase and installation of light fixtures in the Christian Education building
- Hanover Central Pom Cats $1,000 assist with the cost of new uniforms
- Hanover Central High School $1,230 to help fund the "Turnitin" program
- Honor Fund Challenge Match $10,000 to support emergency responders and their families
- St. Vincent DePaul Society $1,621.17 laptop computer and subscription cost of Charity Tracker to simplify the reporting of data
- Knights of Columbus St. Elizabeth Ann Seton #7473 $2,000 cover the cost of bike parts and bike helmets and pay lease on storage unit to store repaired bikes for needy families
- Lake Region Christian Assembly $6,208.02 improve security for the staff and children in the daycare facility through installation of closed circuit cameras
- MacArthur Elementary School $2,500 to purchase a robot and replacement parts for the MacRobotics program
- Regional Mental Health Center $1,250 assist Power Account for extremely low-income clients seeking to enroll in HIP Plus
- Robert A. Taft Middle School $5,000 help offset the costs of the Challenger Field Trip for sixth grade students
- Old Sheriff's House Foundation $2,250 purchase supplies for the renovation of masonry foundation of the former north jail vestibule in the Old Sheriff's House
- Taltree Arboretum & Garden Foundation, Inc. $3,000 provide environmental education to CP area students
- TradeWinds Services, Inc. $7,855 purchase WePlaySmart by Hatch 2.0 Solution multi touch table plus caster with brakes
- United Negro College Fund $1,000 provide need based financial assistance to minority students from low and moderate income families that reside in the NWI region
- City of Crown Point $2,500 help fund the Tour of Lights event in December
The Crown Point Community Foundation reviews grants three times throughout the year. These unrestricted grants are made possible because of the generosity of our donors. Unrestricted Endowment Funds allow the Foundation’s Board of Directors the flexibility of distributing grants to community projects, programs and to emergencies in the service area.
The Grant Committee reviews the applications for projects that fit the mission and vision of the Crown Point Community Foundation; that is, to enhance the quality of life in Crown Point and South Lake County. The Committee makes recommendations to the Board of Directors who then approves the grants for funding. The next grant cycle is February 1, 2016.
For a grant application packet, please contact the Foundation at 219-662-7252. You can also visit our website, to download an application or stop by our office at 115 S. Court St., Crown Point, IN 46307